Emily is Away had me question authorial intent versus interpretation

While I prefer Emily is Away‘s spiritual successor, Emily is Away Too, by a long shot, I had to play the game that started it all. It’s much shorter and simpler in terms of what can happen and the features it lacks, like websites and downloads. Still, I found this game to be a much more harrowing experience because, here, no matter what you do, things aren’t going to end well. Continue reading Emily is Away had me question authorial intent versus interpretation

Emily is Away Too brings back memories you thought you’d forgotten

I was inspired to write this in response to Peter Glagowski’s review of Emily Is Away Too.

I remember being in middle and high school, staying up for hours upon hours talking to my closest friends on AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) in the computer room. I’d hear the beeps and whistles from the modem while signing on and the familiar sounds of messaging someone. It would start off casual and as the evening progressed, we’d move to discussing existential questions and telling each other things we’d be too scared to say face to face. AIM often felt like a liminal space to me the longer and later I was online, like reality was slightly off-kilter. That craving for intimacy and general unease is rekindled when I play Emily Is Away Too. Continue reading Emily is Away Too brings back memories you thought you’d forgotten